The role of advertising in promoting the special value of the Adidas brand in the customers of Karaj
Paper ID : 1242-SSRC-13TH
Oral / Poster Presentation File
Hamed Abdolrasouli zal *1, Hossein Poursoltani Zarandi2
1Sports Marketing Management, Payame Noor University, Karaj, Alborz, Iran
2Associate Professor of Sports Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Advertising is an effective form of communication that conveys a specific message to a large number of audiences. Advertising means communicating with the customer to convey a message about services and products. Brand equity is one of the most famous and well-known marketing concepts and one of the reasons for this reputation is the strategic and vital role of brand equity in making good decisions about the effectiveness and effectiveness of marketing communications and creating a competitive advantage for brands and organizations.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of advertising in promoting the special value of the Adidas brand in Karaj customers.

The present is applied in terms of purpose and is of descriptive-correlation type. The statistical population of all male and female customers of Adidas brand in Karaj was unlimited. Sampling method was available non-randomly. The statistical sample size was selected using Krejcie-Morgan table of 278 people. Data were collected using the Eggret and Yolaga (2020) Special Value Questionnaire and the Jang (2007) Advertising Questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaires for the advertising variable was 0.86 and the brand equity was 0.81, respectively. Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to analyze the data with the help of SPSS and PLS Smart statistical software.

The results indicate that the variable of advertising is directly related to the promotion of brand equity. Advertising has a significant effect on each of the dimensions of brand equity such as satisfaction, purchase intention and verbal expression. Use them as an effective tool in communication and advertising.
advertising, brand equity promotion, brand, Adidas
Status : Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)
13th International Congress on Sport Sciences 13th International Congress on Sport Sciences