The effect of TRX suspended resistance training on liver enzymes in obese women
Paper ID : 1311-SSRC-13TH
Oral / Poster Presentation File
تاثیر تمرین مقاومتی معلق TRX بر آنزیم های کبدی زنان چاق.pptx
تاثیر تمرین مقاومتی معلق TRX بر آنزیم های کبدی زنان چاق.pptx
Hasti Sherizadeh Sherizadeh *1, Mostafa Rahimi2, ٍEbrahim Banitalebi3
1PHD student
2استاد یار دانشگاه
3Department of Sports Sciences, Shahrekord University
Background and Aims: Due to the high prevalence of obesity and fatty liver disease caused by obesity, it is necessary to find an effective and useful solution. Suspended resistance training TRX is one of the training methods that has become very popular in recent years and seems to have a good effect on body composition, physical fitness and metabolic status of the human body. Therefore, the aim of study was to examine the effect of 12 weeks of TRX training on fatty liver enzyme in obese and overweight women.
Methods: 30 overweight and obese female (BMI= 33.24 ± 4.7) who had no history of exercise and certain diseases, were selected and randomly divided into two groups of TRX training (n=15) and control (n=15). The control group was reduced to 10 in the post-test. TRX training was performed 3 days a week on non-consecutive days for 12 weeks and each session lasted 60 minutes. Body weight, BMI, liver enzymes level and hepatic steatosis index were measured 48 hours before and after the training period. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software with analysis of covariance at a significance level of 0.05.
Results: Based on the results, it was found that body weight (P= 0.001) and BMI index (P= 0.001) in the exercise group decreased significantly compared to the control group. However, there were no a significant difference between the two groups in serum levels of ALT (P= 0.762), AST (P= 0.447), GGT (P= 0.416) and hepatic steatosis index (P= 0.404).
Conclusion: According to these results, it seems that TRX resistance training for 12 weeks has a beneficial effect on improving body weight and body mass index, but it has no effect on liver enzyme levels and liver steatosis index in overweight and obese women.
TRX resistance training, liver enzymes, obese female.
Status : Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)
13th International Congress on Sport Sciences 13th International Congress on Sport Sciences