Investigating the relationship between sports justice and sports commitment with the hopes of national team athletes
Paper ID : 1357-SSRC-13TH
shahab amiri *1, hossein digoei1, Gholamreza Shabanibahar2, habib honari3
1Allameh Tabataba'i University Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
2Allameh Tabataba'i University
3Allameh Tabatabaei University
We have often encountered the issue that a prominent athlete at the national and Asian levels suddenly leaves the sport for unknown reasons; If the same athlete could be the record holder in Asia and the world. National athletes are stimulated by internal and external factors; A successful athlete who has a higher mental fitness. Commitment to sports and hope are internal factors that are important reasons for continuing the professional activity of the athlete. All three factors (hope, commitment and sports justice) are of particular importance for achieving success, winning international titles and continuing those titles, and continuing to work with national teams. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between sports justice and sports commitment with the hope of national team athletes.
The present study is an applied type and the method of the present study is descriptive-correlation, which was conducted in the field among athletes of different national teams by a standard questionnaire. Sampling was done by stratified method and based on sport. The number of samples was calculated based on Cochran's formula and finally 386 valid questionnaires were collected. Data were analyzed after extraction using SPSS software, and regression was used to examine the relationship between sports justice and sports commitment with the hopes of national team athletes.
The findings of the present study showed that there is a positive relationship between sports justice and sports commitment with the hopes of athletes of different national teams and sports justice and commitment is a predictor of sports hope. Therefore, it can be concluded that sports justice through the sports commitment of national athletes is a predictor of sports hope of athletes. Due to the high level of sports justice components and athletes' commitment, we see a high level of hope among them. It is recommended that the officials of the federations and the coaches of the national teams, in order to increase the hope, commitment and sports justice of the athletes, work on maintaining the current situation and improving it.
Sports Justice, Sports Commitment, Sports Hope, National Team Athletes
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)