The effect of kinesio tape on proprioception and landing mechanics in football players with high riskk of anterior cruciate ligament injury.
Paper ID : 1408-SSRC-13TH
Oral / Poster Presentation File
Negin Sharifi *1, Ebrahim Mohammadalinasab Firouzjah2
1islamic azad university of urmia
2Faculty member of Urmia University
Introduction and Objectives
Anterior cruciate ligament injury is a common injury in football, the mechanism of which is more in the landing position after the head, and causes a disturbance in the sense of depth and function of the knee, as well as secondary injuries. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of kinesiotape on depth sense and landing mechanics in footballers at high risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury.
materials and methods
30 male footballers with high risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury (scores above six in LESS test) in both control and experimental groups (kinesiotape group) with a mean age of 21.76 2 2.46 years, height 174 ± 0.025 cm, Weight 65 ± 0.05 kg were randomly assigned. Depth sense was assessed with a goniometer (target angle 45 degrees to full knee extension) and landing mechanics were evaluated by LESS test in both groups. The normal distribution of data was assessed by Shapirovilk test, the effect of fatigue and intergroup differences were correlated with t-test. Analysis of covariance was used under normal conditions and Wilcoxon and U Mann-Whitney tests were used under abnormal conditions. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 24.
The results of this study showed that after applying the kinesiotape, there was a significant difference between the two groups in the variables of knee depth (P = 0.002) and landing mechanics (P = 0.004).
The results of this study showed that the application of kinesiotape can be effective in reducing the risk of non-impact injury in people with a high risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury by improving the jump-landing pattern and deep sense. Accordingly, the use of kinesiotape in the knee area is recommended for athletes at risk of non-collision injury.
kinesio tape, proprioception, landing mechanics, soccer players at high risk of anterior cruciate ligament.
Status : Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)
13th International Congress on Sport Sciences 13th International Congress on Sport Sciences