Factors affecting the Soccer industry performance
Paper ID : 1787-SSRC-13TH
Fariba Askarian *
Department of sport Management, Faculty of physical education and sport sciences, University of Tehran , Iran
Introduction: In the sports economy, soccer has a special place as the most advanced and commercial sport in the world and is the most popular sport. In the 2019/20 season, the total revenue of the European professional soccer market was estimated at 25.2 billion euros, and the top 20 clubs generated a combined €8.2billion (Lange, 2021, & Delloite, 2021).
Methodology: The purpose of this study was to review the studies conducted on the factors affecting the performance of the countries soccer industry. The literature search in electronic databases and a “snowballing” procedure yielded, and eligible studies were selected based on keyword searches from 2000 to 2021.
Results: In general, the factors affecting the performance of the soccer industry of countries can be divided into three main themes economic, social, and physical factors. Economic factors with sub-themes: GDP and GDP per capita, Gini coefficient, health costs; Social factors with sub-themes: life expectancy, population size, literacy rate, hosting conditions; And physical factors, with sub-themes: facilities and equipment, use of elite manpower, weather conditions; Summarized.
Conclusion: Factors affecting the performance and growth of the soccer economy, in turn, lead to the development of facilities and infrastructure of this sport and the development of support resources for this industry.
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“The Sports Economics”, “Soccer Industry”, “Economic Factors”, “Social Factors”, “Physical Factors”.
Status: Abstract Accepted