Developing a sociological model of the severity of Coronavirus disease in athletes based on a Grounded Theory approach
Paper ID : 1868-SSRC-13TH
Marjan Amirimoghaddam *1, reza nikbakhsh2, Mohammad Mahdi Shirmohammadpour Garjani3
1Ph. D in sociology of sport, Department of sociology of sport, Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Associated Professor, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and sport science, South Tehran Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3Medical student, School of medicine , Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.
Background & Goals: As an epidemic, Coronavirus disease threatens human societies in different ways. By spreading Covid-19 virus worldwide, concerns over health-related behaviors have rapidly increased. It seems that at the moment the main strategy for management of Coronavirus is prevention. Engaging in athletic activities regularly throughout life can be an effective way to prevent a viral disease such as Covid-19. The aim of this study is “Introduction to Covid-19 virus in terms of Sociological and to develop a sociological model of the severity of the Coronavirus disease in athletes”.
Methodology: In this research a qualitative method based on the grounded theory has been applied. Grounded Theory is an inductive method of theoretical discovery that allows the researcher to develop a report on the general characteristics of the subject; While simultaneously consolidating the basis of this report in empirical data observation. The sample of the study was 110 athletes that determined and selected based on the logic of purposive sampling and theoretical saturation rule. The tools of the research were in-depth and exploratory interviews.

Results: Data analysis was performed in three stages of: open coding, axial coding and selective coding, using MAXQDA software.
Discussion & Conclusion: The results indicate that in the framework of the 6 dimensions of the paradigm model, five categories of causal conditions (rate of sport activities, life habits, personality characteristics, the challenge of information distribution, education), one core category or phenomenon (the strategy for the severity of Coronavirus disease in athletes), two categories as contexts (social-economic status, level of social support), two categories as intervening conditions (spirituality, social pressure), one category as strategy (social health), and one category as consequence (quality of life) were identified.
severity of the Coronavirus disease, athletic activities, social health, quality of life, Grounded Theory
Status: Abstract Accepted (Poster Presentation)